by Brian Muccio | Golf Tips, Tai Chi
You’re looking for speed and power in your golf swing. Did you know you should start by fixing your golf posture? For many players, simply telling them to stop rounding their shoulders or straightening their spine will not make a significant change and can be...
by Brian Muccio | Body Movement Solutions, Golf Tips, Health Tips
Proper mobilization of the body is not always what it seems. A summary of The Joint-By-Joint Approach; first noted by Mike Boyle and Gray Cook “The body works in an alternating pattern of stable segments connected by mobile joints. If this pattern is altered,...
by Brian Muccio | Cardio Exercises, Health Tips
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is one of the major complications caused by COVID-19. Although not every coronavirus patient develops ARDS, the ones who do usually end up in the intensive care unit. The CDC notes that approximately 20-42 percent of...
by Brian Muccio | Body Movement Solutions, Health Tips
The world might be throwing curveballs left and right, but even amidst the chaos, there’s one precious haven we must protect: our sleep. While it may seem tempting to skimp on those precious Zzz’s in favor of squeezing in another hour of productivity, the...
by Brian Muccio | Cardio Exercises, Tai Chi
A Swing Athletic Tai Chi class consists of multiple parts Warm-up: Easy motions, such as joint circles, turning the head from side to side, or twisting the waist, help to loosen the muscles and joints and focus on the breath and body. Stage one of the training...